I’m Ke Zhu, a Postdoctoral Research Scholar jointly affiliated with North Carolina State University and Duke University. I completed my PhD at Tsinghua University under the guidance of Dr. Hanzhong Liu. Currently, I am mentored by Dr. Shu Yang and Dr. Xiaofei Wang, focusing on utilizing real-world data (RWD) to enhance the efficiency and robustness of causal inference in clinical trials. My research interests include the design and analysis of complex experiments, randomization inference, and high-dimensional statistics.
- Ph.D. in Statistics, Tsinghua University, 2023
- B.A. in Economics, Peking University, 2018
- B.S. in Statistics, Beijing Normal University, 2017
Technical Reports
(* indicates co-first author; † indicates corresponding author)
- [1] Zhu, K., Yang, S.†, and Wang, X. (2024+). Enhancing statistical validity and power in hybrid controlled trials: A randomization inference approach with conformal selective borrowing. Submitted. [package]
- [2] Han, T.*, Zhu, K.*, Liu, H.†, and Deng, K.† (2024+). Imputation-based randomization tests for randomized experiments with interference. Submitted. [package]
- [3] Yu, H., Zhu, K.†, and Liu, H. (2024+). Sharp variance estimator and causal bootstrap in stratified randomized experiments. Submitted.
- [4] Zhu, K., Liu, H.†, and Yang, Y.† (2024). Design-based theory for Lasso adjustment in randomized block experiments and rerandomized experiments. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, in press. [arxiv]
- [5] Zhu, K. and Liu, H.† (2024). Rejoinder to Reader Reaction “On exact randomization-based covariate-adjusted confidence intervals” by Jacob Fiksel. Biometrics, 80(2): ujae052. [code] [slides]
- [6] Zhu, K. and Liu, H.† (2023). Pair-switching rerandomization. Biometrics, 79(3): 2127-2142. [code]
- [7] Zhu, K. and Liu, H.† (2022). Confidence intervals for parameters in high-dimensional sparse vector autoregression. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 168: 107383.
Interdisciplinary Collaborations
- [8] Xia, F., Zhu, K., Ren, Y., and Wang, N.† (2024). Efficacy of the automated mechanical repositioning chairs treatment for patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, in press.
- [9] Hu, C., Zhu, K., Huang, K., Yu, B., Jiang, W., Peng, K., and Wang, F.† (2022). Using natural intervention to promote subjective well-being of essential workers during public-health crises: A Study during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 79: 101745.
- [10] Zhang, H., Zhu, K., Wang, J., and Lv, X.† (2022). The use of a new classification in endovascular treatment of dural arteriovenous fistulas. Neuroscience Informatics, 2(2): 100047.